


The forest ecology research station located in Nouragues is a scientific station located in the heart of the tropical forest in French Guyana for the study of the functioning of tropical forests and their biodiversity. It welcomes national and international scientists from a few days to several months on two camps, 8 kilometres apart from each other, around equipment maintained and operated year-round by the station's technical staff.

Proposed services

  • Custom experimental services in natura;
  • Data providing services;
  • Sample providing services.

Detailed service offer

  • In situ ecosystem experimentation services;
  • Instrumentation for the long-term monitoring of these ecosystems and the in situ measurement of environmental parameters;
  • Devices and tools for collecting samples and data on the ecosystems studied.

Types d'écosystèmes

In natura experimentation
Elodie Schloesing
Scientific manager
Contact by email
Location CNRS Guyane USR LEEISA Centre de Recherche de Montabo, BP 70620, 97334 Cayenne, Guyane-Française