AnaEE France Summer School 2021
Remote sensing for the study of terrestrial ecosystems: from the basics of understanding to a practice to get started.
From September 27th to October 1st, 2021, AnaEE-France is organising the first summer school of its 2021-2024 cycle, on the theme of "Remote sensing for the study of terrestrial ecosystems: from the basics of understanding to a practice to get started".
The summer school will take place at the Jardin du Lautaret, which hosts an AnaEE France member platform, and is open to researchers and engineers interested in terrestrial ecosystems or agrosystems who want to integrate remote sensing into their research work and who are looking for some basics to get started.
Click here to learn more about the AnaEE France 2021 Summer School (French description only).
The summer school website and registration link will be available soon.