

The Estrées-Mons platform is dedicated to field crops. This site assesses the effect of agricultural practices and their interactions on carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil-plant-water-atmosphere system. Nitrate leaching, changes in soil organic matter and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O) are monitored according to the level of nitrogen intensification, export of crop residues, tillage, pulse frequency and nature of rotation. The key question is to understand how the high variability of carbon and nitrogen inputs affects their cycles in more or less intensified systems.

To learn more about the Estrée-Mons platform and its involvement in the ACBB (Agroecosystems, Biogeochemical Cycles and Biodiversity) system, watch the presentation video.

Proposed services

  • Access service for in natura long-term experiments
  • Data providing services;
  • Sample providing services.

Detailed service offer

  • An in situ ecosystem experimentation service (8 treatments spread over 30 plots of about 0.5 ha + 2 plots of 4 ha);
  • Instrumentation for the long-term monitoring of the environmental parameters of these agroecosystems (soil moisture and soil temperature sensors; automatic chamber for measuring N20 emissions; flow towers for measuring CO2 and H2O emissions (ICOS site labelled associated site); soil water, soil and plant sampling; weather station;…);
  • Availability of observed data at plot level, via a database and the availability of samples stored in a sample library.

Types d'écosystèmes

Types of pressures

In natura experimentation
Guillaume Vitte
Scientific Manager
Contact by email
Location 2 Chaussée Brunehaut, 80200 Estrées-Mons, France