The BioChem-Env analytical platform provides facilities and services for the biochemical characterization of natural environments (enzymatic activities in soils, sediments, etc.) and associated macrofauna (enzymatic activities, phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), biomarkers of land fauna and benthos).
Proposed services
- Analytical services
Detailed service offer
- Conducting research projects and providing services related to ecosystem observation and experimentation;
- Development and transfer of methods for measuring and interpreting results;
- Provision of expertise, equipment and premises for the analysis;
- Implementation of expertise, scientific and technical monitoring and training actions.
Analytical platforms

Christian Mougin
Scientific Manager
Contact by email
Plateforme Biochem-Env UMR ECOSYS, batiment F INRAE, Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, 22 Place de l'Agronomie CS 80022, 91120 Palaiseau, France