Several AnaEE France facilities are involved in European projects. These projects provide scientific and funding opportunities through one-off and/or ongoing calls for transnational (TA) or virtual (VA) access, that is on-site or remote access to the services of project member facilities.

AgroServ is a 60-month European project that began in 2022. The project brings together 73 partners in 23 countries, with the aim of supporting the agroecological transition by facilitating access to agrosystem study services for academics and industry.
AgroServ has launched its third call for transnational (TA) or virtual (TA) access to its network services. The deadline for applications is March 26, 2025. Further calls will be launched in 2025.
Our installations in AgroServ: EcogenO, Ecotron IleDeFrance, Metatron terrestre, Ecotron Européen de Montpellier.
AQUASERV began in April 2024 and will run for 60 months. This multinational project brings together 40 partners in 16 European countries, with the aim of supporting research and development in the fields of sustainable aquaculture and the blue economy.
AQUASERV offers both transnational (TA) and virtual (VA) access. The transnational and virtual access is continuous, and AQUASERV will also launch thematic calls for projects. AQUASERV will offer thematic training in the future.
Our AQUASERV installations: Metatron aquatique, PLANAQUA.

IRISCC began in April 2024 and will run for 54 months, bringing together 79 partners in 22 countries. IRISCC aims to better understand the risks associated with climate change, and how to respond to them.
IRISCC will launch at least seven thematic calls for transnational access (TA) to its services. A training offer will also be available.
Our IRISCC facilities: Jardin du Lautaret, Puéchabon, O3HP.
MICROBES-4-CLIMATE began in 2024 and will run for 60 months. This European project involves 31 partners in 12 countries. The aim is to catalyze curiosity and interdisciplinarity in research into the interactions between micro-organisms and all components of the environment.
MICROBES-4-CLIMATE will shortly be launching transnational access to its network services.
Our MICROBES-4-CLIMATE facilities: Genosol, EcogenO, Ecotron IleDeFrance.