The Lautaret Garden once again hosted the ANAEE-France summer school, many thanks to them!
During the week, the 20 participants learned the basics of machine learning applied to ecology. After a common day of introduction to machine learning with the Python language, the group was split into two modules of specialization, each benefiting from the experience of the teachers.

Image analysis, led by Candide Lissak, Senior Lecturer at the University of Rennes, specializing in artificial intelligence applied to image analysis and remote sensing issues.

Sequence analysis, led by Yann Le Cunff, Senior Lecturer at the University of Rennes, specializing in artificial intelligence applied to biological issues.
The group also enjoyed a tour of the botanical garden and of the scientific facilities, guided by Jean-Gabriel Valay, director of the Lautaret garden and research professor at Université Grenoble Alpes.
The participants, teachers and organizing team. Even the sun was out!