The 8th colloquium of the ECOTOX Network will be held in La Rochelle on November 13, 14 and 15th 2023, on the topic: Climate change and ecotoxicology or ecotoxicology + 2°C.
It will address four issues:
- Extreme events: impact on the toxic effects of pollutants (with a focus on pollutants of agricultural origin, re-evaluation of ecotoxicological risk levels in the light of this type of event, with the aim of modifying uses and improving the sustainability of agricultural systems);
- Adaptation of organisms: climate unpredictability and long-term ecotoxicological effects (trans- and multi-generational) and adaptation of natural populations and communities (multi-stress, micro-evolution, multi-risk approaches);
- Data acquired in natural environments: advantages and limitations;
- Integrative methodologies in ecotoxicology: AOP, ecotrons, 'meta' dimensions… what use for what contribution?
Abstract submissions and registration for live sessions are now open at :
Abstracts may be submitted until September 1st 2023.
This seminar will be a face-to-face event, but a hybrid formula will allow remote attendance. Registration for the remote seminar will open in September.
60 places will be available face-to-face, with priority given to those who have submitted an abstract and to the first registrants. Registrations will be confirmed in September.