Identification of French Guiana sand flies using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with a new mass spectra library


Author summary Phlebotomine sand flies are small insects, mostly known for their role in the transmission of Leishmania parasites to humans and other mammals. In French Guiana, the main clinical form of the disease manifests as cutaneous lesions also called American cutaneous leishmaniasis. The transmission of Leishmania from wild mammals to humans depends on the species of sand fly involved in the transmission. To better understand the mechanism of disease transmission, it is essential to accurately identify sand flies, including both vector and non-vector species. Until now, sand flies have mainly been identified using morphological and molecular methods. Recent studies have shown that a new tool based on protein profiling compiled in a library of spectra may be useful for the identification of arthropod vectors. This tool has the advantage of being less time-consuming, less expensive and does not require technical skills. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness and accuracy of this new tool in identifying Northern Amazonian sand flies.

Auteurs, date et publication :

Auteurs Agathe Chavy , Cécile Nabet , Anne Cécile Normand , Arthur Kocher , Marine Ginouves , Ghislaine Prévot , Thiago Vasconcelos dos Santos , Magalie Demar , Renaud Piarroux , Benoît de Thoisy

Publication : PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Date : 2023

Volume : 13

Issue : 2

Pages : e0007031


#CNRS #FORET Nouragues